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About Me

Hi, my name is Megan Owen-Jones I grew up on the Northern end of the Gold Coast. After graduating high school, I was accepted into a double degree in Law and Business. Deciding Law wasn’t for me, I changed into another double degree in Public Relations and Communication and Business.

Growing up, I have been lucky enough to attend a range of different events here on the Gold Coast and meet an array of talented and influential business, PR and marketing managers and have decided that this is the future path I wish to take. I love to learn new skills and am excited by new opportunities for me to grow and develop in the Business and PR field.


I love to travel and strongly believe that traveling helps you to grow as an individual and opens your eyes to a wide range of different cultures and helps you to truly realise how lucky you are.


I believe I am a great communicator and have had many roles which have tested this. At school I undertook leadership roles such as a house captain and netball captain in which I needed to solve problems, plan events, communicate with those above me and ensure that all members I dealt with understood and were happy with the decisions made.

Honey and Mumford's Learning Cycle 

AE - Active Experimentation Score (PRAGMATIST): 15

RO - Reflective Observation Score (REFLECTOR): 12

CE - Concrete Experience Score (ACTIVIST): 15

AC - Abstract Conceptualization Score (THEORIST): 14

Which scores are your two highest? Pragmatist and Activist

Personality Test Activity - Jung personality types 

My personality test returned a result of INFJ. The following outlines what this means: 

  • Introversion - comes from their own internal world 

  • Feeling - makes a decision based on emotion 

  • Intuition - believes information is received from the internal or imaginative world

  • Judging - a person organizes all of his life events and as a rule, sticks to their plans

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